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D0E at Into the wild

information for those on The Duke of

Edinburgh awards volunteering at Into the Wild festival.


All volunteers must be onsite and set up by 11am Thursday 22nd August Thursday 22nd


11am - Welcome and orientation with Jo Ireland (Operations Officer D of E), William Draper (Dep Director ITW Festivals and Placement Assessor), and Ana Eveleigh (Volunteer Coordinator ITW Festivals)


Bespoke talks for DofE

Welcome and rewilding talk with Huw Williams (Director of ITW Festivals and Wilderlands Rewilding Projects)

The importance of nature and the history of the Chiddinglye Estate, including walk - Edmund Pery, 7th Earl of Limerick


What to expect:


Music and workshops, wild crafts & Rewilding

and Nature Based Talks

to enjoy during downtime.

Variety of duties, including site safety, land preservation, festival stewarding, working with the decor and site teams, developing work-related skills. Volunteers can expect to be engaged with various duties for 6 hours per day.

Placement Ends 4pm Monday 26th August


Need to provide own lunches

(caterers available onsite where necessary)


Placement fee £80, applicants must be 17 years or older on or before 11am Wednesday 21st August 2024. Those aged 17 will require the completion of a consent form.


Experience will be educational and fulfilling, helping to develop and practice a range of transferable work-based skills whilst supporting a charitable nature-based project.


You will need to bring a tent, warm bedding and clothes for both sun and rain. There are toilets and showers, food venues, you will be provided breakfast and dinner. You can let us know any dietary requirements. Please see our FAQ's for more information. The festival is on a beautiful country estate in Sussex, not far from London. 

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